Monday, January 14, 2008


Living in a pit will lead to break out or break apart

Dealing with a Pit will help prepare you for what is prepared for you.

Most of the time we end up in a pit because we have been betrayed

There is always someone close to you that will betray you.

In order to get out of the pit we need to move from why me to what now..

Sunday, January 13, 2008


We see honor as something that is earned something people have to work at to acheive.  Part of that is true but we are called to honor people if they have earned it or not.  So who are we called to honor?
  • Authority - Civil Authorities, Family (parents), Social (our bosses), Spiritual
  • Peers - people at the same level as us
  • Little ones - people who depend on us (our children and others)
So how do we honor these people?  Well let me say that honor needs to come from the heart.  It is not just talking or actions.  It needs to start in the heart.  

Check out this book  (this was the person who spoke at our church today) for a lot more information.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Making Decisions

Here are some Macro guides for making decisions more to come on this later.. 
  • is it written?
  • is it Love?
  • is it on the agenda?
I am sure a lot of you have no idea what I am talking about (of course no one reads this so that doesn't matter)..  but some of you do know what I am talking about and that's who this post is for..  

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Well here are some of my goals for 2008
In general this year is the year I plan to make an impact.  That is my slogan..  

  • Walk three times a week
  • reduce all sweets
  • dring a lot more water
  • eat earlier
  • reduce all potatos, rice and bread (I love bread)
  • Spend more time with Kids
  • Spend more time with wife
  • Become more of a leader at home
  • Take on more responsibility
  • Document more (don't usually like documenting)
  • Get involved in more things
  • Get more involoved
  • Participate in Cell Group
  • Be consistant in attendance
  • Inivite others to come with us to Church
  • Make an impact.